"Living in East London since being born. Being unable to move out because of the financial restraint. Being caught in a circle of debt because of previous county court judgements handed to me. Being forced to sell “bags for life” at work and not hand out free ones even though we have them – because the store is heralded as a “green one”. Not working longer than my stated shift because I will not be paid. Keeping the heating off at home to conserve energy and lower my carbon footprint? Or to save credit on the meter for when we actually need it.
Thinking about money...
Drinking at home to achieve a drunken state BEFORE going out to a club, because it’s cheaper. Buying items you may not even need in bulk because they are on offer now, they may go up in future."
"Personally, politics has a major Impact towards my life on a daily basis. From work to uni to shopping. Something which has an outstanding effect on my life is the tax which has to be paid to the government on a monthly basis.
Even looking at minor cases, such as KFC. Before a mini variety meal was £1.99 and now it has increased to £2.29. The thing which scares me, is that there is going to be an added gradient on the tax which I am currently paying now. By next year the tax would have risen by 20%, which mean I would have less capital to spend on certain essentials.
As we know this country is suffering from heavy financial debt and I am extremely frightened that my job is going to be in jeopardy."
"I do believe that politics has a major impact on my life at the moment and the main issue that has also gone nationally is the increase of university fees. This is scary because as there will be a £12,000 increase without any added on interest. This £12,000 could have gone towards a mortgage of even to start a family in the future. Even the increase on V.A.T to 20% will have a huge effect on everything that buy. As I drive I have seen the price of petrol inflate from around 89p to £1.20 plus.
The government making additional cuts for example cutting child benefits have defiantly hindered my way of thinking because later on in life I would like to start a family of my own and knowing that little bit of help from the government isn’t going to be there makes me wonder why?"